
Duradek Waterproof Vinyl Roof & Walking Deck Membrane

Since 1974, Duradek has been installed, by trained professional applicators, on well over 150 Million Square Feet of flat roofs, sundecks and balconies all over North America. Duradek has solved difficult waterproofing problems in the hottest, coldest, wettest and driest climates imaginable. With Duradek’s proven system, installation techniques and experience, Duradek can solve your exterior waterproofing needs.

Home Owners, Builders, Property Managers

All Duradek membranes are reinforced for multi-directional strength and stability, and have a textured finish to provide slip-resistant, safe footing. To increase performance, the vinyl makeup inclused mildew inhibitors along with ultra-violet and heat stabilizers. Attractive patterns, colours, and textures provide a contemporary new look, previously unavailable in the outdoor waterproof flooring market.

The Waterproof Vinyl Roof & Walking Deck Membrane System That Gives You So Much More

All Duradek authorized contractors receive training which is a combination of floor laying skills for appearance and single-ply roofing skills for water tightness. Thorough knowledge of adhesives, sealants, coatings, carpentry, and concrete restoration work are common traits of a Duradek contractor. All Duradek products, when applied by an authorized Duradek contractor, are covered by written warranties. Duradek also meets all Canadian and American building code requirements as a roof decking membrane.
Waterproof Deck Duradek Panel 1 Details

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